Tuesday, 8 September 2009

We are born risk takers ....

I am sure if we (Indians) ask ourselves a simple question “Am I a risk taker?” the answer which most of us will get is “ Yes, YES I AM”.
Believe it or not we Indians are born risk takers, Don’t believe me ?
Let me give you few examples, after reading all of them if you can still claim, that you are  not risk taker, I am sure you will get a green card in the very first attempt.
·         We drive two wheelers without helmet: We know it’s dangerous, we know someone in the neighbourhood died because of not wearing a helmet, but still we will drive without helmet and at times at the speed of knots.

·         We switch ON our mobile phones as soon as the airplane touches the ground: No matter how many times the in-flight announcer tells us and warns us about not switching on our mobile phones, coz they may hamper with the planes navigation system, we will still turn our mobile phone ON as soon as the plane touches the ground. People, the navigation might get hampered some day. (of course we will only come to know of that from the planes black box)

·         We are 10 pegs down but still we are the formula 1 drivers: (This comes from personal experience) We know we are wasted, even our sweat smells of liquor, but still we know how to drive, we will reach  home safely ( not sure about others though). Thats when we know at least 1 such person who had lost something or another due to drunken driving.

·         And last but not the least, we know we can’t control ourselves (beyond a point) but still we will go on..... And the population will keep on  increasing 

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