I am sure every Indian would have come across these 3 words in the exact same manner and almost at the same place ( great leveller haan... whichever part of India you are in, these 3 words remain constant HORN. OK. PLEASE)... Picchwada of a truck or auto or bus or rickshaw or any other form of public transport ( I wonder when is the Indian rail gonna get this)
So one fine evening while coming back from office (which of course was very exciting) I happen to look and read these 3 words of wisdom on the back of the auto pushing ahead of us ( It literally was pushing) I mean, I have read these words 100s and 1000s of time so what’s so new about them??? Answer is nothing.
But that is when it struck me, and I asked my colleague... Bhai, what’s the meaning of this HORN OK PLEASE! ... I had my own theory, he had his own and below is the crux of the conversation which followed.....
Theory 1: HORN, OK, PLEASE
The driver of the vehicle A (one which is behind) pushes HORN, the driver of the vehicle B ( one which is in-front says) OK and very courteously says PLEASE and lets him pass
The driver of the vehicle A , comes from behind, reads the instruction which says HORN OK, pushes HORN, the driver of the vehicle B doesn’t give a shit, driver of A says PLEASE and the tussle keeps continuing...
The driver of the vehicle A , comes from behind, reads the instruction which says HORN , pushes HORN, the driver of the vehicle B says OK but still doesn’t give a shit, driver of A says PLEASE and the tussle keeps continuing...
Theory 4: @#$*&!#*
The driver of the vehicle A , comes from behind, reads the instruction ignores it and overtakes from left, right or from where ever he finds space.
Oh forgot to tell you, by this time my other colleague who was with us in the same auto, was on the verges of jumping out of the auto